Wednesday 5 June 2013

Photograph: A whole new life.

Location: The botanical garden - Gothenburg,Sweden.
Camera: Nikon D40X 55mm lens
Filter: Macro filter 10x and a vingetting filter.

About the photograph: 
My main idea with this photograph was to test some new ideas I had in store after a few days of thinking, also to try a new kind of style within my photography. 
I never done a lot of bokeh related photography and I never played around with reflections of the lens before, so I decided to start easily with such and here was the first result that came out of it, I used one home made filter for the vingetting around the edges and one bought Macro filter for the closure of course. 
I placed my main focus on the lower part of the flower and its petal, leaving the rest in a deep dof. 
Over all I'm very pleased with the outcome of the photograph and I taught myself a whole lot of pros and cons with the result of the idea. 

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