Tuesday 11 June 2013

Taking over

Location: Bergsjön - Gothenburg
Camera:  Nikon D40X 55mm Lens
Filter: A easy warmth increase filter and a vignetting filter.

About the photograph: 
Taken at low exposure to capture more of the light coming between the trees, slight correction of the tilt was made as the tripod used had to stand in water and was slightly tilted due to uneven ground.
I used two filters to create the feeling of the photograph, one which increases the warmth of the photograph with a slight yellow tone to it and a vignetting filter to create the black "frame" around the edges to make the center of the photograph more focused.
About the area: The little stream is leading down to a area called The French Lake which is located only a short walk away from the local lake called Bergsjön lake which is a hot spot during the warm summer days when people in the area wish to take a cold swim in a mountain located lake.
The french lake is not man made but more of a sub-lake of the main one which been created by water collected from small stream such as the one in the photograph flowing from the main lake.

Personal thought:I been in love with the location since I moved to the area and found it during a little stroll across the mountain side, it's not often visited and the forest is slowly taking over and claiming the land back, hence why the name I guess, it was given a bit on the  run. 
The day of the photograph it was a heavy storm in the area and the forest had a gloomy feeling, the sun broke trough though and gave it a slight warm touch where it landed and I wished to capture it as good as I could and therefor used my home made filter.
All in all, I like the photograph but wish I had more time to take some better ones and I guess another trip to the area wouldn't hurt.

Wednesday 5 June 2013

Photograph: A whole new life.

Location: The botanical garden - Gothenburg,Sweden.
Camera: Nikon D40X 55mm lens
Filter: Macro filter 10x and a vingetting filter.

About the photograph: 
My main idea with this photograph was to test some new ideas I had in store after a few days of thinking, also to try a new kind of style within my photography. 
I never done a lot of bokeh related photography and I never played around with reflections of the lens before, so I decided to start easily with such and here was the first result that came out of it, I used one home made filter for the vingetting around the edges and one bought Macro filter for the closure of course. 
I placed my main focus on the lower part of the flower and its petal, leaving the rest in a deep dof. 
Over all I'm very pleased with the outcome of the photograph and I taught myself a whole lot of pros and cons with the result of the idea. 

Photograph: In a different world.

Location: Killingholmen - Sweden, Gothenburg 
Camera: Nikon D40X 50mm lens.
Filter: A warmth filter attached to the camera lens, created by myself. 
Editing: Correction of the angle as it was slightly tilted.

About the photograph:
This is one of my personal favourite photographs of my own, mainly because it was a wonderful day but also because of the fact that it's the first photograph I was proud of. 
I was at this bridge with my mother for over 4 hours, waiting for the right moment, we wandered around in the area and took many photographs, then I laid down on this bridge for roughly an hour before this moment came across me, the cloud in the photograph is a snowstorm related one, shortly after I took this shot there was a full blown snowstorm that lasted for roughly 2 weeks.

About the area:
It have a long history of farmer land and a few small fishing villages, today it's a area where many huge houses corner the strands and the ocean edges, the area is also famous for a wildlife preserved area with many birds but also for the handicap beach in the area, fully fitted for those with mobility issues and similar, over all the nature is lovely, the people in the area are nice and the beaches are lovely. The fishing possibilities are wonderful too.

Tuesday 4 June 2013

My new started blog + Oscar Fredrik church photograph.

Location: Oscar Fredrik Church, Gothenburg Sweden. 
Camera: Nikon D40X 55mm lens.
Editing: Just a small contrast change to enchance the light coming trough the door. 

About the photograph:
This photograph was taken at a funeral as a request of the widow, she saw the light coming trough the open doors and saw it as a sign from her late husband, I do not believe myself in such but on her request the seats were emptied and I was asked to take this photograph, I enchanced the dark but only a little to bring forward the details more. It was first a coloured photograph but I enjoyed the black and white version more, so did the widow.

About the Church:
The church was erected in 1890s, the church and the parish got the name from the late king Oscar II. 
The architect was named Helgo Zetterwall and the style is Neo Gothic but it don't have influences from the nordic gothic style but rather from the larger cathedrals in continental Europe.

On another note:
Welcome everyone to my blog and hopefully you guys will be happy I finally made one after being asked so much to make one! Much love from Fia.